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Cross-Country Skiing in Ramsau am Dachstein

Paradise amid beautiful nature and breathtaking mountain scenery

Cross-country skiing means con­stan­cy. Cross-country skiing is to final­ly breathe again. Cross-country skiing is heal­thy: joint-friendly and strength-building. Cross-country skiing is modern - from plea­sure cross-country skiers to top ath­let­es! The fantastic moun­tain sce­ne­ry at the foot of the Dach­stein serves as your per­son­al gate­way to nature and phy­si­cal fit­ness, with the rhyth­mi­cal motions si­mul­tan­eous­ly relax­ing and strength­en­ing you.

Hotel Steirerhof lies right next to the turn-around point of the "Steirer­loipe" (XC-trail) for class­ic­al and skat­ing tech­ni­que - an ideal loca­tion, in other words, from which to ex­plore the ex­ten­sive trail net­work of Ramsau am Dachstein.

Cross-country skiing in Ramsau am Dachstein

Cross-Country Skiing in Ramsau

The Vitalhotel Steirerhof offers you an ideal entry point into the "Steirerloipe" (XC-trail) directly in front of the hotel door - and thus into the ex­ten­sive trail net­work of Ram­sau am Dachstein:

  • 220 km trail net­work from easy to chal­leng­ing, includ­ing 70 km tracked for skating technique – all just waiting for you.
  • The trail ticket Ramsau am Dachstein is included for our hotel guests.
  • The trails are painstakingly maintained every single day.
  • A highly efficient snowmaking infrastructure along with improvements to road crossings have raised the quality of the Ramsau Nordic Ski Center.
  • Rustic huts next to the trails invite skiers to stop in for refreshments and recharge their batteries!
Cross-country skiing on Dachstein glacier

Cross-country skiing Dachstein glacier

Cross-country skiing at an elevation of 2,700 m, surrounded by in­com­par­able mount­ain sce­nery, is a truly special ex­per­ience. Up to 18 km of trails, main­tain­ed for diagonal and skat­ing tech­ni­que, await you on Dachstein glacier.

On the trail of world champ­ions: from July until Nov­emb­er, as many as 500 athletes from 30 coun­t­ries get in their work­outs on these glacier trails, train­ing for com­pe­tit­ion in the winter ahead. That said, amateur athletes love the glacier trails as well.

Cross-country skiing in the Schladming-Dachstein Region

Cross-country courses & equipment

If you ever need tech­ni­cal tips or equip­ment, you will be in the best of hands at our local sports shops.

Area cross-country ski schools offer cross-country instruction, in­clud­ing skat­ing tech­nique, for begin­ners as well as ex­per­ienc­ed ski­ers. Pick-up service is also pro­vid­ed for a small ad­­­dit­ion­al charge.

A free public bus will bring you to a num­ber of other trail access points, as well as to the sports shops and ski schools.

At the hotel, there is a ski storage and heated boot room for all of your sports gear.

Steirerhof Holiday Packages for Cross-country skiing

Glide smoothly through the sparkling snow, try the typical Styrian delicacies in the huts at the trails and benefit from our cross-country packages and holiday offers

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