Guests at the Premium Hiking Hotel Steirerhof automatically receive the Schladming-Dachstein Sommercard free of charge, from 1 night stay. Enjoy over 100 recreational offers in the region free of charge or, through over 100 bonus partners, at discounts of as much as 50%.
The Schladming-Dachstein Sommercard is included for all of our guests. The Sommercard is valid from 1 o'clock in the afternoon on your arrival day for the duration of your stay, including the day you leave.
Enjoy over 100 services and attractions in the region for free, including: Dachstein glacier, mountain lifts, swimming lakes, the adventure pools in Schladming and Ramsau, toll roads, museums etc.!
Offer valid from May 29th to November 2nd 2025
Here at the Hiking Hotel Steirerhof, we unite enjoyment, relaxation and memorable experiences!
Further information about included attractions:
mountain lifts
pools & lakes
museums & culture
toll roads
Over 100 recreational activities for free and at over 100 bonus partners, with as much as 50% discounts!