Kopfleiste überspringen

Snowshoeing Schladming-Dachstein

guided snowshoe tours amid moun­tains and breath­taking nature

After the very first snow, the country­side around Schladming takes on a whole new appear­ance. Nature-loving hik­ers, young ad­vent­ur­ers, families, hobby athletes and health-conscious visitors all get great joy out of snow­shoe­ing.

The ☆☆☆☆ Hotel Steirerhof, with its own, pro­fes­sion­al hiking guides, has de­ve­lop­ed in recent years into one of the lead­ing hotels for snow­shoers in all of Austria. We invite you, too, to join us on our ex­ped­it­ions through the ro­man­tic winter land­scapes of the Schladming-Dachstein holiday region.

Guided snow­shoe­ing tours from the hotel

Come with us, as we ex­per­i­ence the nature and tran­quil­ity of win­ter­time at its most beau­ti­ful. With simple gear and practically no prior ex­per­ience, this trendy out­door sport pro­mis­es all kinds of fun.

We offer:

> at least 3 guided snow­shoe tours eve­ry week
> during our special Snow­shoe Weeks, 5-10 guided snow­shoe tours
> certified hiking guides ex­clu­sive­ly for guests of our hotel
> free rental of snow­shoes, hiking poles, drink­ing bottles and ruck­sacks at the hotel

Tips about equipment and walking technique


Snowshoes should be light­weight though stable. Avail­able to bor­row for free here at the hotel.


You will only need stand­ard moun­tain or hik­ing boots, though they should be ankle-high and water­proof, and they should "breathe".


All you need is regular ski- or hiking poles with baskets near the tip. How­ever, special­iz­ed snow- and Nordic-walking poles are bet­ter, pro­vid­ing better shock ab­sorpt­ion for the arm joints.


We suggest col­lect­ing your first snow­shoe­ing ex­per­ien­ces on guided tours. You don't need any special train­ing or skills. If you can walk, you can also snow­shoe. That said, decent physi­cal con­di­tion is de­fi­nit­ely an ad­van­tage. Our own guides will also show you the correct walk­ing tech­ni­que.


Your cloth­ing should also br­ea­the, since many tours through the deep snow can make you work up quite a sweat.

Tour Planning

Our se­lec­tion of guided tours inclu­des some­thing for every­one, whether begin­ner or ex­per­ien­ced.

If you are out on your own in deep-snow terrain, be con­si­der­ate of wild ani­mals that need to be left un­dis­tur­bed in winter­time. Also pro­tect your­self from ava­lan­ches by plan­ning your tour care­ful­ly, bring­ing along the neces­sary safety equip­ment in­clud­ing ava­lan­che trans­pon­der, and pick­ing up use­ful tips from your hosts here at the hotel.

Steirerhof Packages for snow-shoeing

Take advantage of our holiday packages and snowshoeing offers!

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